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On Campus Leadership:

Pi Tau Sigma​

​​​PTS is the Mechanical Engineering (ME) Honor Society. Membership is limited to the top 25th percentile of the ME graduating class. The club organizes events for career, professional, and academic development of ME students.

  • Advisor (Fall 2018 - Present)

  • President (Spring 2018)

  • Vice President (Fall 2017)

  • Activites Chair (Spring 2017)

  • Professional Development Chair (Fall 2016)

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME is a professional organization connecting Mechanical Engineers internationally. The UC Berkeley chapter organizes community events and awards distinguished students and faculty on campus.​

  • Advisor (Fall 2018 - Present)

  • Vice President (Fall 2017- Spring 2018)

  • Programs Director (Fall 2016 - Spring 2017)

  • Outreach Officer (Fall 2015 - Spring 2016)​

Tau Beta Pi

TBP is the Engineering Honor Society. Membership is offered to the top 10th percentile of the entire engineering class. The club organizes events for pledges and alumni for career and professional development.

  • Publicity Chair (Fall 2017)

  • Outreach Chair (Spring 2017)​

BAPS UC Berkeley

BAPS Berkeley is a cultural club for the BAPS Swaminarayan faith. It holds bi-weekly meetings to discuss spiritual topics of interest and communal developments. Organizes a gathering (sabha) for the festival of Diwali on campus.

  • Organizer (Fall 2014 - Present)

Indian Student Association

ISA Berkeley is a cultural hub for students of Indian origin. It organizes one of the largest events in the Bay Area: Holi, along with other cultural festivals like Garba and Diwali.

  • Advisor (Fall 2018 - Present)

  • Social Committee (Fall 2017 - Spring 2018)

  • Events Committe (Fall 2016 - Spring 2017)

Plan International

Plan International is a community service organization dedicated to the most critical issues plaguing humanity. The UC Berkeley chapter supports the international organization through fundraising and awareness drives.

  • Vice President (Fall 2016)

  • Walk4Wells Committee (Spring 2015)​

Publications & Media Center

The PMC serves all the student run publications and media organizations on campus. It offers advising, funding, distribution, publicity, and marketing services.

  • Distribution Specialist (Fall 2015 - Fall 2018)​

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